Groombridge St. Thomas CE Primary School

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School day

School day: 

Early Years and KS1 - 8.55 am to 3.15 pm

KS2 - 8.55 am to 3.20 pm


Your child should arrive at the school gates at 8.45am. Children booked into Breakfast Club may arrive from 7.30am via the school car park to the blue double doors.

The gates to the playground open at 8.45am. Children may then go straight to their classrooms where their teacher will greet them. Children in reception and Year 1 may enter via the front playground. Children from year 2 upwards should enter via the side playground.


The playground gate closes at 8.55 am and opens again at 3.10pm for the front playground and 3.15pm for the side playground. Parents/carers may come onto the playgrounds at the end of the day to collect their child. Children will exit via their classroom doors.


Pupils in Years 4, 5 and 6 are allowed to walk to and from school on their own, if you and your child feel ready for them to walk to and from school independently, please complete the permission to walk home consent. We recommend that only children who have passed their cycling proficiency test ride their bikes to school alone. Others that do so should be under the supervision of their parents.


If for any reason someone other than you will be collecting your child from school please let the school office or class teacher know beforehand. If we have not been informed and we do not recognise the person collecting your child we may contact you for verification.