Groombridge St. Thomas CE Primary School

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Contact Us

General Enquiries : Please contact the school office


Groombridge St Thomas C.E.P. School,

Corseley Road,


Tunbridge Wells TN3 9SF



Telephone: 01892 864305


Admin Team:

Mrs C Pett- Office Manager


Headteacher- Miss C Powell

Chair of Shadowing Board- Mrs K Bye

SENCO- Mrs R Ridley

Clerk to the Governors-Mrs G Newnham


To contact the Chair of the Shadowing Board Karen Bye  and the Clerk to Governors Mrs Gaynor Newnham please email: 


To contact the SENCO Mrs Ridley please email:


To make a complaint please refer to our complaints policy (in Policies under the Information tab).


Records of formal stakeholder meetings with with staff and governors can be requested from the office.